Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
when i have a chance, i'll buy a house in pacifica, preferably next to bun gor's place and we'll bs on his newly built deck everyday.

and i'll kill him on winning eleven hahhaha!

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
you dont get to see such clear sky often in hk.
this photo was taken yesterday evening.

the intention of getting into the field of environmental related industry is still there, thou it seems the opportunity is quite limited. it's been over a month now but it has not been fruitful at all. hmm..

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
real estate agencies' signs totally cover the front door of a vacant store. how it works in hk is, when a store goes vacant, without invitation the real estate agencies will put their sign on the front, just like in the picture, in a hope that a potential tenant would contact them. the agency would then contact the store owner and say "hey i got u a tenant." sort of thing.
i think this is a little ghetto the way it works.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
a nap after the lunch. sweeeet.
a recent study shows that an afternoon nap reduces the risk of heart attack. so, fitter happier, more productive, eating well, regular exercise at the gym, and, take an afternoon nap.

today i went to the pool. no i can't swim, but it's good just to submerge in the water. my theory is that i will float eventually so, not much to worry about.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
yum yum good!
almost every sunday my parents would visit this remote village and bring along some goodies in the shape of broiled chicken legs for the animals.
i can't truly understand this as the chicken legs were once parts of some living creatures as well but judging from the satisfaction on the cat's look... oh well, as long as u enjoy the good meal cat.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
remains of an old tv lying in a country park. the broken tube is exposed and the toxic materials are out in the atmosphere. among the toxic materials is mercury, which can circulate in the open atmosphere for decades and takes only a very tiny portion to cause severe damage to human body.
and it was only a few feet away from every single passer by, old and young.

dear M$,

i regret to inform you that your product sucks.
the particular product i am talking about is your Windows Mobile 5 os for ppc phone. It sucks in numerous ways. first, it requires way too many presses of buttons, on-screen or not, to have simple things done. second, it requires way too much process time to have simple things done. third, it requires way too much maintenances. in fact, this piece of shi.. i mean bleeding edge technological showpiece has been refusing to sync to my pc for a week about now for no good reason. last but not least, it does not even do the phone thing right.
to your credit, the WM5 ppc phone does gives me an unexpected pleasure: for every time it successfully syncs to my pc, or does anything that it is originally designed for anyway, i actually have a sense of, well, success. "hooray! way to go ppc, it syncs to my pc! rejoice!"
WM5 is truly and rightfully a M$ product. i have to admit, M$, that you successfully carry your legacy even into your mobile department. it is yet another engineering marvel from you, M$, that tries to do everything and sucks at everything.
this letter can be your complimentary promotional piece as the new version, WM6 is already out. this can be the show case of the improvement made possible by you, M$. however, from my personal experience with WM5, i have to be pessimistic, and with all due respect, your WM5 is simply a waste of $. (a lot of it, to be exact)

thus this ppc phone is up for sale. the model is hp rw6828. trad. chinese rom. 95% new (i don't know what this number is based on but that's how things work in hk, folks.). and of coz i won't lie about it, it sucks. so if somehow u're still interested, leave me a comment. or email. or whatever. *just *don't *call *my *cell *phone *because *you *know *why.

Yours Truly,


last night an old friend of mine asked for help. she was selected something like "spotlight of the month" -- those human management kinda thing in office if u know what i mean. so she needs to write up a life motto that sums it all up.
now she wants something that would help creating a professional image, even though she knows it very well that will be a total lie.
so, any idea? even thou i know there is no one reading this blog at all, but i'd still like to ask my nonexistent readers for help. so, please help.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
30C+ this afternoon. along with the humidity enough to make me sweat just by standing on the street. suddenly this picture i took in ottawa a few months back came to my mind.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
in case u don't notice already, i love the ocean.
this picture is taken in pacifica, close to don's place. of coz don wouldn't care much as he would rather spend his free time in his bed watching nba.

so today i again waved good bye to another friend from sf. susie was treated a very special one day tour, hoyan style. i hope she enjoys it as much as i do.

where to? i brought her to our famous "big hotel" area and show her the creepy casket places there. the purpose is to bring her to that famous wonton place but oh well, it seems as thou she's a bit scared... hahha.

welcome to my special hk tour.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
taking picture while driving is strictly prohibited.
say who?!
it's almost been 2 months since.

back from china yet again.
this time, we went to a fishing village in this place called nam 0. and guess what we did there.
to cut the story short, i got 2 fishes in an afternoon, while the experts got none.
during the dinner, the topic was discussed and the reasoning was like this: fishes look down to newbies.
and my reasoning is this: sour grapes.

anyway, that was meant to be a joke. the trip was fun. fishing was fun. staying out on the sea is wonderful- with or without fishes. and the food is just great.

should do it again soon.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
a public restroom in the Grand Canyon. notice ah wing's facial expression. suffocating with a smile. very complicated.

bean and don at bean's place. his place is pretty much the same like b4. the stink remains. hah!
a moment afterwards we head to a burrito place called something like Lorenza. it's in south city. 1 or 2 blocks away from the Grand St to the direction of El Camino Real.

great food. fun times. i'll always remember.

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today i walked by 貴記荳品. i love their 蔥油餅 and 鍋貼. it's located right where i got off the bus during my secondary school days and i used to order take-away few times a week. the store looks just like before. didn't get a chance to try the 蔥油餅 but from the look of it, it can't be too far off. hm... yum yum.

things are changing so fast. whether it's for the good is debatable. the only way not to feel too bad about it is probably just simply ignore it. just let it go.
it is hard thou.

anyway, i should go try the 蔥油餅 soon. for old time's sake.

today i saw a sign on a van jai that read something like this: "$150 vomit clean-up fee". this is a simplified and naturalized version of what it reads on the sign. the original tone was stronger on it really.
maybe as a passenger i should carry this sign that reads: "$300 food wasting surcharge."

before u can only see this kind of things in china. now it's spread over to hk. just like a disease. scary scary.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
nigga jacky said yum yum.
look at the satisfaction on her face. this' what 菠蘿油 is all about.
not to mention the cholesterol, trans fat, ... etc. oh well. we're all dying a rather slow death anyway.

finally bought this mp3 player. good sound, thou it's pointless when u're in mk.
the decision came after a long struggle... and it's only a $800 gadget. i guess my mentality regarding money is much like when i was in secondary school. and in p. school, i got only $2 a day. only good for fishball. darn.

my first 砵仔糕 in 2007 was a total disappointment. i remember the good old days when 砵仔糕伯伯開檔 with his wooden carte at his usual location. a few kids (including me) were already there waiting. i always ordered "yellow, few beans". a few years ago 砵仔糕伯伯 retired. his daughter and his son-in-law took over, and that's when the 砵仔糕 quality went downhill. or was it becoz i knew it's no longer made by 砵仔糕伯伯?

i hope 砵仔糕伯伯 is living happily thereafter. thou i got a feeling he's not around anymore. after all, he was in his 70's more than 10 years ago. nonetheless, i'll always remember you 砵仔糕伯伯.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
i still remember the old times when i was messing around with fatty lai. i will always remember.
bye bye shek kip mei. it has been fun.


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