apparently i need a laptop. the cheapest one future shop has to offer is a $550 refurbished gateway. hopefully the price will go down a bit for christmas.
how about a used one? hm..

i know andrew is reading this blog (hooray! i have ONE reader! rejoice!), but i still don't know how to make this thing shows chinese characters. "quit it!" u said? that's a good idea.
feel busy again. feel like in a rush, much like before summer. stuffs to sell, more stuffs to move. uncertainties. "if x is 1, this and this. if x is 0, then this and this. or this. or that." should i write a k-map?
no i just have to write it down and sort it out. stupid.

reminds me of a commercial back in the days. the first line of the song went like this: "夢內有天和雲"
and of course bak bak is prettier than that girl in the commercial. hohoh.
by the way, i can never get my blog to display chinese characters correctly. any idea anyone?


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