
Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
confined. self-contained? just confined.
btw, happy birthday. i lose count again, like i always did. maybe i just don't have this thought to you. as if you ever care anyway.

do not disturb
Originally uploaded by kandl.
reading for final. droste standing b4 graduation. how ironic.
this picture is again taken by andrew with his new tool. a panasonic lx1. i want one, too. anyone wanna trade with my web cam? it's a logitech ppl! logitech!

all of the sudden this song came up to my mind for no reason.
the song "goodnight girl"
"doesn't matter how sad i made you. doesn't matter how hard i try. just remember the same old reason. reflected in your eyes you said you wanted me."
i still don't understand.

winter amenities
Originally uploaded by kandl.
a photo stolen from my friend andrew. hohoh sue me~
anyway, i just happen to like this picture a lot. i like the color of it. don't know how to describe. it's a bit... washed. then andrew told me the scanner was not working properly.. maybe ur scanner is having a mind of its own, and it has some original ideas about photography.

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
lily's dreaming. that's gotta be one of the sweetest dreams ever.
treat treat maybe?

Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
it's pretty but not that pretty. but its popularity makes me feel like i'm obligated to take a picture or two of this object.
btw this tree is made by swarovski, so u know what those shinny things are.


Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
sleep sleep angels sleep..

say hello to lok lok

looks like she's playing video game.. Posted by Picasa

"i believe i can fly..."
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three posts in a night. this is my new record. nothing to celebrate about anyway. good night.

sleeping like an angel.. not that i've seen an angel sleep anyway.. oh well. suit yourself. Posted by Picasa

msn space and xanga. i still like blogger better. coz the logo looks nicer. and it feels more geeky. hoho. i'm not a geek thou. or am i? noo..
so i'm preparing for yet another finals. and projects.

by the way, another cat pic:


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