three months on and here u have my new post. the most significant thing that had happened in the last 3 months is undoubtedly my divorce. yup. i got divorced. can u believe it? no? i can't neither. but this is what happened.
the most difficult time has passed. thou i can't say for 100% sure that i'm fully prepared to move on ,but at least the pain has mostly gone. i miss her. i still unintentionally call out for her name from time to time. i still remember the good times we shared with each other. those were wonderful times, and i will surely keep those memories in my heart forever. it's a shame it didn't work out but like the song that goes: "逝去的感情如何留得住~?", so i have no choice but to "就讓一 切隨風~"
係咪好"娘"呢? 老餅係咁架喇.


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