finally bought this mp3 player. good sound, thou it's pointless when u're in mk.
the decision came after a long struggle... and it's only a $800 gadget. i guess my mentality regarding money is much like when i was in secondary school. and in p. school, i got only $2 a day. only good for fishball. darn.

my first 砵仔糕 in 2007 was a total disappointment. i remember the good old days when 砵仔糕伯伯開檔 with his wooden carte at his usual location. a few kids (including me) were already there waiting. i always ordered "yellow, few beans". a few years ago 砵仔糕伯伯 retired. his daughter and his son-in-law took over, and that's when the 砵仔糕 quality went downhill. or was it becoz i knew it's no longer made by 砵仔糕伯伯?

i hope 砵仔糕伯伯 is living happily thereafter. thou i got a feeling he's not around anymore. after all, he was in his 70's more than 10 years ago. nonetheless, i'll always remember you 砵仔糕伯伯.



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