craving for shawarma. Shawarma Palace on Rideau. in case u're in ottawa, go grab a big combo plate and a chicken sandwich now. ask the guy for extra garlic sauce. u'll love it.
one of my colleagues worked at his relatives' shawarma restaurant. he told me the equipments are very expensive. i suggest him to go to shenzhen and take a look. they do make it there for a much cheaper price. maybe i can open one in hk in the future? just to satisfy my own craving? then i may need to hire some x for their original taste. hohoh.... that's a plan!

hey kid, i have to wait until 28 to get on the cable car for the first time. even many locals never tried it. consider yourself lucky.
so the day has come. thierry henry calls it the time and leave for barca. heartbreaking. but in my opinion the worst is yet to come. that will be next summer when the boss also leave arsenal. i think that will be catastrophic.
anyhow, ppl come and go.
today i went to shenzhen with my parents for lunch with a family friend. after lunch we went to this gigantic book store next to the shenzhen library. there are wide range of topics there and the selection is hugh. the prices are reasonable, too. the store is very crowded as u can see ppl at every corner sitting on the ground and read.
that reminded me of the internet censorship in china.
the government filters out many websites and internet traffics that contain sensitive materials which may undermine its control, at the same time they allows accessibility of the remaining traffics to create a false sense among the ppl that they have seen the whole of the internet. added to the inability to doubt beyond what they can see, the majority of the mainland chinese are uninformed. i'm sickened by the fact that even the young generation, who are supposed to be well educated, still blindly support their government, or rather, the communist party's control over china.
it's common knowledge that china is the uprising economy, but really ppl, dont put your bet on yet.
tonight i went to the first MYOB class. the software is quite easy to use, but the problem is, i don't have the basic knowledge behind all those credit debit stuffs. loletta'd be laughing by now. "told you so!"
maybe i should go back to school and get my second degree.... accounting? hm... no way.
maybe they can consider advertising ramens like those red hot spicy korean ones. or anything warm.
so today the weather forcast in hk is.. in one word, hot. and what am i going to do? let's go out for a walk, sweat, then go to the pool. don't worry i'll take a wash first b4 i jump into the pool. but i know most ppl dont. how i know? coz recently the pool water is a little salty, and i'm lucky if that's only sweat....
in case u're not aware, flickr is a subsidiary of yahoo. it's meant to provide a photo storing and sharing community for free or a small fee. but like its mother company, flickr imposes self-censorship which deletes many of the users' photo due to various reasons. another issue is the SafeSearch feature. for more details, google flickr censorship or flickr safesearch.
flickr used to be behind its users. not any more. and i just paid for a pro account not long ago....
today's father's day. since i'm so full of shit, i'm gonna say happy father's day to all the fathers out there to show that i'm really a good son. man i'm so full of shit!
health concern? a well developed cell phone coverage network comes at a price. hey but guess what, u hardly see any base station on the roof tops of those expensive mansions.
hm.. strange.
so very safe. now he can throttle in any corner in full speed with full confidence. make way ppl when u see him in your mirror!
bing bing's blog is one of the sites i visit frequently, even thou i have great fear of those mainland chinese websites..
since i can't find a way to leave a simple comment on her blog without registering, so i'm gonna leave that comment here, hoping that bing bing will see it. so here goes:
冬眠季節已過, 懶蛇幾時起身開工寫blog?仲有承諾多時既照片呢? 聽講應承既野唔做, 會生暗瘡...
tmr i will attend the first mandarin class. let's hope that my classmates will 相親相愛.
it sure has a mind of its own, and it appears to be a very playful one. being sneaky as it's always been, it always choose to flash the moment u take your eyes off. so at the end, i just switched to continuous shooting mode, did the job, and crashed.
wonder how ppl did it back in the days with film? when 36 films roll was already a luxury.
i want a good affordable headphone amp... to connect to my notebook? ok so i may also need a good affordable source. notice how i use the word need... indeed it's a need.
any suggestion ppl?
this is one of the many tricks lok lok likes to perform. that's why he's so adorable.
lok lok and lily went to see the vet yesterday. he's so scared that he refused to come out of the cage. the vet turned it upside down but lok lok hung on to it so at the end the vet needed to take the cage apart.
typical lok lok.
just back from nam ao yet again. this time, all i got is one single "fish mo".
so, consider that i got 2 fishes last time, the latest score becomes:
H 1:1 Nam Ao.
considering the satisfaction of being on the sea, and the heavy rain while we're out there: H 10:1 Nam Ao.