flickr censorship

flickr censorship
Originally uploaded by Paleontour.
the picture says it all. against censorship on flickr.
in case u're not aware, flickr is a subsidiary of yahoo. it's meant to provide a photo storing and sharing community for free or a small fee. but like its mother company, flickr imposes self-censorship which deletes many of the users' photo due to various reasons. another issue is the SafeSearch feature. for more details, google flickr censorship or flickr safesearch.
flickr used to be behind its users. not any more. and i just paid for a pro account not long ago....


  1. Anonymous said...

    I had a flickr account which the URL's last part was kisspucca under a yahoo acct. yesterday I deleted this flickr acct in order to use kisspucca for my kisspucca mail acct.. and found flickr not allow to use the same url, even it's deleted... so once the url was taken, it's taken forever... i'm so sad... and i just moved all my yahoo photos to flickr... any good recommandation? is Picaso better??  


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