
Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
another desktop image from edf energy. so now u know how my living will look like.... if only i have such a spacious living room.
in hk, the real estate industry operates in a very special manner. when we buy a flat, we pay according to the "construction area", or whatever it's called. this area includes: the area of the flat of coz, and the area of the public area outside of ur flat divided by the number of flats on ur floor. so in reality, the area u really get is what we call, "practical area" or whatever it is. and this practical area ranges from 40% to 80% depending on the architectural design and really mainly the integrity of the real estate companies' owners, which is nonexistent to start with.
by the way, this 80% practical area percentage is provided by the real estate companies, which is altered and highly inflated itself. the whole thing feels like a joke. haha very funny.
then, why must we accept such ridiculous deals? becoz we don't have any other choices. or, to satisfy u, yes we are just plain stupid.

really those mother lovers have way more tricks than what i just mentioned. what i mentioned was only a glimpse of tricks making a fortune while making a hell of life for the average joe like... who else? ME~! ARRHH~~!!



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