my all conquering pda phone refused to sync with my pc again! window mobile doesn't want to talk to windows xp. "who are u?" they say. "look, i don't speak your language.."
so i went to this mall in Mongkok and checked what's on offer. just when i was looking at the shop window, a dude somehow decided to squeeze right in front of me and totally blocked my view. so i moved aside to peek from the gap and somehow i blocked his gf/daughter's view. this dude got so upset he started swearing at me.... softly. his gf/daughter was so upset at me she stood so very close to me... with her chest. hm... this is a very foreign idea to me... with a girl pushing a guy with her chest. interesting.
upon finished reading the prices i turned around and went on to another shop. this was when i realized how close the girl was. she was staring at me.
the whole time i just ignored them in case u wonder.
the idea of fighting or arguing over a spot in front of a shop window is soo very stupid to me. this is the kind of impression i got in hk nowadays. the standard is dropping. the quality of the ppl just isn't there. it wasn't like that b4. i remember back in those days about 10 years ago b4 i left for US, ppl were more friendly. they were more rational and easier to talk with. but now many of them are just being barbarous, and more importantly, they just talk.
i guess the main point is to get a life, which is in alarmingly short supply in hk.


  1. Anonymous said...

    same thing here in SF...I guess the nice people moved out..  


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