
Originally uploaded by hoyanov.
find the cat in this picture. and there's no prize doing so.
this picture was taken in Guangzhou en route to fix my spine. 80 bucks and my spine was new again, thou the process was a bit too painful for my taste. some ppl love it thou as if it's a kind of manhood stuff. "i'm a man i got beaten up and i didn't make a sound... i'm a real man!" make sense? no? no.
next time i'm gonna try their firepot thing. put some dark marks on my back which they refer as toxicity in my body. scary stuff.

today i'll pick up the ebay stuff again after slacking off for... the holiday. i know it's no good excuse hey but it's Christmas!
so, anyway i'll do this thing today. i promise u, hoyan.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I can't find the cat! is that really a cat in the pic?  


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