講故仔: "Tin Guy"

She was a strange kid. when she was a kid she used to think of herself as a frog, "tin guy" as she called it. i guess i'm weird, too coz i love it so much that ever since she told me about it i started calling her "tin guy", or simply "gwa". tg is her initial from then on.
tg was a real frog. she was always energetic and if u look closely, u can see that her eyes were always watery. i remember the tears rushing out of her eyes when we didn't get to the animal centre early enough to pick up the gray kitten. i also remember the joy and excitement from her eyes the next day when we picked up Lok Lok, and the sparkle when i decided to pick up one more kitten in Lily. The kittens were godsends. they brought such joy and peace in tg's heart.



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