after reading through my own blog i realize this is how it goes: every once in a while i'd put up a new postd saying how long i've been away from this blog and this is the first post in a long while. so this is a sort of a tradition of my blog and i dare not to interrupt it..
so here u go: hey this is the first post since many months! hooray! u happy now? no? oh well.

recently a thought came up to my mind and never goes away. i realize the reason why i'm not making tons of money is becoz i'm not having fun. i become a dull boy, and in case u wonder, i become even duller than b4! whoa that's some achievement in its own right.

so in order to make tons of money, first i gotta find something fun to do. hm... so u figured this one out since forever? yea?

now it's keywords time to hopefully lure in some innocent souls. keywords like... hm... what would that be? oh well whatever..



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