講故仔: "唱歌仔"

TG loved to sing, and she was very talented. she could make even the most kiddish songs sound absolutely enjoyable. i remember she used to sing a song all the time. the song went: "我的家庭真可愛, 健康快樂照常在...", and every time i would argue with her saying it's supposed to be "笑常在" instead. i loved it when she sang it. since Lok Lok and Lily joined us, she added another line to the song: "我個肥仔滑捋捋, 仲有Lily真可愛..."
and then there was another song that talked about watermelon. it went like ".... 個個都啱食, .... 頭頂長滿花~"
i loved it.
sometimes, she'd even dance while she sang. i loved watching her signature silly moves. i know she'd never perform on stage, but she's a true star in my eyes.
how i miss her performance.



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