another boring day..
so today i went to sham shui po.. again. i was looking for components for my beloved but very much dated g4 cube without much success.
first, the only wireless option i have is the airport card that provides a mere 801.11b connection. this is pretty weak given the physical setup at my place. and the card doesn't come cheaply, even for a used one. the usb receiver route won't work neither becoz the cube has only usb 1.1...
second, i'd like to upgrade the video card to a more respectable GF6200. the stock one is a rage 16mb.. or is it 8mb? it simply doesn't cut it anymore with all the latest features and eye candy. a GF6200'd bring the cube up to speed for the time being. this will most probably be the last upgrade one could perform to a 7-year-old machine coz anything newer would be out of reach.

at least i'm not trying to upgrade a IIe. hah!



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