i had a guangzhou trip last week and it was ok. gz is a better place during winter when it's not as hot and humid. the cooler temperature make our beloved 同胞 more tolerable.
this trip confirmed what i've suspected: gz food sucks. at least they have mcdonald's but even that tastes a little weird in gz. the fries just isn't right.
speaking of fries, recently i got this craving of those super fatty fries that's made of real potato. i tried those somewhere in the US with deep fried garlic on top. another topping of choice would be that Hispanic kinda thing with lots of cheese and ground beef. served with chopped fresh tomato, it's one of the dishes u should try b4 u die. hohoho.
maybe i should open a little restaurant just to sell those. that way i will die at a very young age.


  1. Anonymous said...

    This comment is for your previous entry...youre G4 looks very much like a disc shredder!  


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