the self-proclaimed king of kowloon, 曾灶財, has passed away a few days ago.
his story can be found in wikipedia, that is, if u can read chinese of coz. what he left behind thou, is a wealth of his graffiti that can be found on numerous locations throughout kowloon. photographed is one of his work at the TST Star Ferry Pier.
i can't say i truly love him, coz i didn't suffer and tolerate his persistence of putting his graffiti everywhere including at home like his family did. in many cases, i might have hated him if he really became the king of kowloon. u know, i happen to live in kowloon. but i do like his graffiti, and i sincerely hope that his work will remain and be preserved.
to be honest, it's not what it seems to be a king. being the king of the universe myself, i speak from experience. and this experience isn't pleasant. i still have to look for a freaking job that never happened. but anyway, it's all history now so, rip mr 曾灶財.



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