i really like the color tone of this lens.
maybe it's just the white balance setting. i guess i'll leave this to the pro.
so let's go back to the picture.. ok so there aren't much to talk about in this picture. you see what you see. that's it. bye bye
susie if u're reading: i'll bring u there. brace yourself.
i had a guangzhou trip last week and it was ok. gz is a better place during winter when it's not as hot and humid. the cooler temperature make our beloved 同胞 more tolerable.
this trip confirmed what i've suspected: gz food sucks. at least they have mcdonald's but even that tastes a little weird in gz. the fries just isn't right.
speaking of fries, recently i got this craving of those super fatty fries that's made of real potato. i tried those somewhere in the US with deep fried garlic on top. another topping of choice would be that Hispanic kinda thing with lots of cheese and ground beef. served with chopped fresh tomato, it's one of the dishes u should try b4 u die. hohoho.
maybe i should open a little restaurant just to sell those. that way i will die at a very young age.
another boring day..
so today i went to sham shui po.. again. i was looking for components for my beloved but very much dated g4 cube without much success.
first, the only wireless option i have is the airport card that provides a mere 801.11b connection. this is pretty weak given the physical setup at my place. and the card doesn't come cheaply, even for a used one. the usb receiver route won't work neither becoz the cube has only usb 1.1...
second, i'd like to upgrade the video card to a more respectable GF6200. the stock one is a rage 16mb.. or is it 8mb? it simply doesn't cut it anymore with all the latest features and eye candy. a GF6200'd bring the cube up to speed for the time being. this will most probably be the last upgrade one could perform to a 7-year-old machine coz anything newer would be out of reach.
at least i'm not trying to upgrade a IIe. hah!
today is a good becoz:
1. the weather is nice;
2. it's not too hot;
3. it's proven that my father doesn't have cancer.
hohohoh. tmr i'll go to sham shui po and have snake soup again. yum yum.
what a bargain. it takes light in, it focuses, it shoots... just like any other lens...
oh well. u can google its reviews and samples. it's sharp enough and the bokeh is pretty enough for an average joe like me. and it's pretty fast, too.
considering the price, hey it's a steal!
tonight i went to yoshinoya after my accounting class. as usual i ordered the chicken bowl. the only difference is that i ordered iced tea instead of coke.
the yoshinoya iced tea tastes very funny: it tastes just like ricola. it's like drinking a candy.. hm.. yuck!
the accounting class is practical in a way that the teacher actually shows the students how to do everything. it's a hands-on class. nothing about the theory, just pure operational stuffs, and it shows. there is this funny atmosphere within the class. from the jokes and reactions one can clearly sense that these are working class ppl. it's firmly in their mindsets: i'm not a boss. boss is bad. boss is dumb but somehow they make money all becoz i'm good.
i think it goes round and round and in the end, they will always be working class. it starts from their own mindsets.
too bad the picture wasn’t very clear. maybe it’s time to get a faster lens..
the 坤記芝麻糕 of sham shui po is really good.
the younger sister working in there has a short temper thou. so i guess not even good dessert can capture a girl's heart no more.
i guess in hk, a good hint on the stock market works way better than a dish of fine dessert. i think that's kinda sad.
after all these year, i finally realize i prefer hand writing more than typing. it's just easier to let my mind flows. but then again, my hand writing is among the worst in the world. sometimes even i have a hard time reading my own hand writing...
it's that bad.
as i'm typing this post, it's showing '歲月風雲'
this is the second episode i've watched it, and i've had enough already.
if IQ can be quantified, i wonder how many IQ points tvb has costed the hk population over the years?
movie night! these are what i got: 1. Carlito's Way 2. Napoleon Dynamite.
have fun. coz i'm sure i will.
recently i'm addicted to another facebook application. i'm not going to reveal the name coz i think it's a bad application. what's fun about it is that u can pick up an animal and races against ur friend's. and u bet on it. yup the gambling part is fun, even more so is the fact that the betting system is crappy.
now i'm turning into a gambler. not cool... but at least i'm not betting real money so i guess that can't be too bad.
today i drove my dad's car for a ride.. all by myself. this was the first time in hk. even though it's nothing like the big sky and open roads in the US, i do enjoy it. it takes time to get used to the right hand drive system in hk thou.
i wish i can drive on those open roads again.
recently i encountered a few drivers who can't stop talking. some of them can't stop talking to the passengers, while others just keep talking to themselves. these are mainly taxi drivers and mini-bus drivers. so i think that we can setup radio shows, and broadcast through the internet. the hosts will be these drivers, and their passengers will be their guests. so everyone gotta talk. how fun is that. who will be the audience? themselves. as always. who would listen to a taxi driver's talk?
so the next time don't be surprised if u see crazy drivers in hk. they are indeed crazy.
it's been more than a week since my last update, mainly becoz there's nothing interesting going on in the past week.
wanna go biking in shatin. anyone interested?
recently i'm addicted to this stupid application on facebook called pirates. this is super silly. u gain coins for endless upgrades that are mostly pointless. u search for or rob treasures, or booty as they call it, that are mostly indifferent. the only useful kind being the bomb, with which u can throw at ur friends and rob their coins. for what? for ur pointless upgrades. but the bombing part itself is fun enough.
this is another proof that i have no life. yup. so true. so if u'd excuse me, i'll go back to explore the open sea again. speaking of the life of a pirate. arrrrr.
the past week has been just like any other week. there are things that i'm supposed to do but as always i just slack it off.
it's not right to say that time is on my side. this is simply an illusion. but then again, what's the rush anyway? i can't give it a definite yet satisfactory answer so i guess i'd just keep on slacking off. hohoho
last week a good friend from sf came to hk and we had a good time. we went to gz and sz, but we ended up didn't have time to go biking in shatin, the old fashion way. that's just too bad. i've been hoping to do it since a few years ago. it happened that biking was also on my friend's agenda. hopefully when he come again in oct we'll do it. hohohoh i'm already excited.
start reading the book 吶喊 again.
a bad thing about being jobless is that u have so much time staying at home and sometimes u'd come across some depressing materials.
reading this book always gives me a heavy feeling. u have to give it to the author, whose articles are still surprisingly fitting in modern days. it's a great achievement for the author, but really, it's a great sadness for China. it is such a shame.
when a large proportion of the average chinese population, especially those living in those better developed cities, are still dreaming their "world power" dreams, i wish they can read this book and come to realize how pathetic we really are.
by the way, mr. 馬力 is dead. i feel sorry for his family and that's about how far my sadness goes. i may remember his efforts in sacrificing the political development in our country for the benefits of his so-called political party, dab, with whom it's impossible to realize their political stand point other than endless ass kissing. i may also remember his meshed pork comment regarding the 89 Tienanmen incident. i think there is a very big chance i won't remember him at all. so, rip mr. ma. u should be ashamed of what u've done but since u're out, bye bye.
my all conquering pda phone refused to sync with my pc again! window mobile doesn't want to talk to windows xp. "who are u?" they say. "look, i don't speak your language.."
so i went to this mall in Mongkok and checked what's on offer. just when i was looking at the shop window, a dude somehow decided to squeeze right in front of me and totally blocked my view. so i moved aside to peek from the gap and somehow i blocked his gf/daughter's view. this dude got so upset he started swearing at me.... softly. his gf/daughter was so upset at me she stood so very close to me... with her chest. hm... this is a very foreign idea to me... with a girl pushing a guy with her chest. interesting.
upon finished reading the prices i turned around and went on to another shop. this was when i realized how close the girl was. she was staring at me.
the whole time i just ignored them in case u wonder.
the idea of fighting or arguing over a spot in front of a shop window is soo very stupid to me. this is the kind of impression i got in hk nowadays. the standard is dropping. the quality of the ppl just isn't there. it wasn't like that b4. i remember back in those days about 10 years ago b4 i left for US, ppl were more friendly. they were more rational and easier to talk with. but now many of them are just being barbarous, and more importantly, they just talk.
i guess the main point is to get a life, which is in alarmingly short supply in hk.
being jobless is one thing. staying home all day doing absolutely nothing other than eating and poo is another. i hate the latter. being jobless is ok since, not like most ppl, i don't need a job to provide an identity. but the money factor is sinking in... fast!
just today i paid a big sum of money for fixing an old camera. it's a Yashica GTN. it's roughly 30 years of age. it's not one of those old collectible cameras but really it takes stunning photos. all becoz the photographer is me! muhhahaah! no just kidding. it's really a good camera. u get that solid feel once u hold it in your hands. it's got a very fast aperture of 1.7. i can't wait to bring it out for a walk tmr morning. now i'm excited!
the big sum of money is $600hkd. yup. it's nothing for most ppl of my age. but i feel the pain. that tells u what kind of misery i'm in at the moment. susie are u reading this? get me a job in sf and i'm flying right in tmr. no i'm just kidding. i'm not coming back for a foreseeable future. but do learn about the job market for me please. i'll bring u to tofu house again.
anyhow, this is all about to change. hohoohoo~
this reminds me of the movie trainspotting. "choose life, choose a job... choose life." hey that's so teenager!
another day wasted. instead of making one step closer to world domination, i simply turned on the ac, hide in my room, and took 2 naps. sleeping too much is not good to your brain. but then, i guess it's still better not sleeping enough. oh well.
last week i bumped in an old classmate. we spent time and had a good chat. that's a wonderful feeling. i always like this guy becoz of his honesty. apparently, he hasn't changed much in terms of his honesty so i guess he's a worthy friend.
it's about time to meet up again. hohohho.
his story can be found in wikipedia, that is, if u can read chinese of coz. what he left behind thou, is a wealth of his graffiti that can be found on numerous locations throughout kowloon. photographed is one of his work at the TST Star Ferry Pier.
i can't say i truly love him, coz i didn't suffer and tolerate his persistence of putting his graffiti everywhere including at home like his family did. in many cases, i might have hated him if he really became the king of kowloon. u know, i happen to live in kowloon. but i do like his graffiti, and i sincerely hope that his work will remain and be preserved.
to be honest, it's not what it seems to be a king. being the king of the universe myself, i speak from experience. and this experience isn't pleasant. i still have to look for a freaking job that never happened. but anyway, it's all history now so, rip mr 曾灶財.
it's soo darn hot in hk. the humidity, the radiation, the air pollutants, plus the fact that ppl love to smoke while walking on the street make it a very unpleasant experience to be out there.
just yesterday when i was having a quiet walk on a little hill nearby my place. it's uncommon to have such a place where u are surrounded by trees and grasses. and i saw a guy there walking his dog. guess what he's doing in such refreshing environment? he's smoking! arh!! why?!?
i remember back then when i was a student, which was about 13 to 14 years ago, the number of smokers was falling. at least smoking wasn't a trendy thing anymore. but somehow it picked up momentum and gained in speed while i was away. now it's very common to see girls smoking on the street, some of them even teenagers still in their school uniforms.
how so very pathetic.
when these ppl get their well deserved cancer, what do they do? many of them rely on the public health system and keep other needy ppl on a long long line. but why? i thought they look good sucking that smoke in their body, and so in turn it must look good to carry that extra piece of flesh around. it looks especially good when they are burnt into ashes coz, hey! don't they love smoke to begin with?! so then why, do they want treatment now that they find out there is a little tumor in their body? while the choice was so freaking clear at the beginning that: u smoke, u get cancer.
for smokers who've got cancer and are about to die: you freaking deserve it. ur persistent of smoking those stuffs in ur body finally pays off. congrats. now pack ur stuffs and leave the public hospital at once, coz as a tax payer, i don't intend to provide you affordable treatment. it was your freaking choice. say hello to ur casket and smoke as hard as u can while u can, preferably in front of your children, just like how u forced others to suffer from ur secondhand smoke. many of them innocent citizens might have suffered from smoking-related diseases and you contributed it. your mere existence was a freaking waste, if not a net loss to the world. you yourself is a tumor of the world. but anyway since u're not staying much longer, have a nice day and bye bye. hopefully the world will be a better place without you, fucker.
edit: a friend post a comment saying that i was cruel. i think he's right. so let's say that i have a double standard and this cruel perspective, as he put it, isn't towards my friends. for those of you who consider me as ur friend, smoke as u pleased. i dont have any problem with that. just make sure u keep all the good stuffs to yourselves, or at least don't make me inhale that thing, which is a bit difficult.
edit: another friend challenge me to put it in a less harsh perspective. so here u go:
please quit smoking. smoking is harmful to your health, and it actually looks stupid. so are u happy now?
in hk, the real estate industry operates in a very special manner. when we buy a flat, we pay according to the "construction area", or whatever it's called. this area includes: the area of the flat of coz, and the area of the public area outside of ur flat divided by the number of flats on ur floor. so in reality, the area u really get is what we call, "practical area" or whatever it is. and this practical area ranges from 40% to 80% depending on the architectural design and really mainly the integrity of the real estate companies' owners, which is nonexistent to start with.
by the way, this 80% practical area percentage is provided by the real estate companies, which is altered and highly inflated itself. the whole thing feels like a joke. haha very funny.
then, why must we accept such ridiculous deals? becoz we don't have any other choices. or, to satisfy u, yes we are just plain stupid.
really those mother lovers have way more tricks than what i just mentioned. what i mentioned was only a glimpse of tricks making a fortune while making a hell of life for the average joe like... who else? ME~! ARRHH~~!!
just finished watching the movie 300 on dvd. the expectation was high based on its reputation, and that turned into disappointment. to simply put, the imagery just isn't powerful enough.
don't get me wrong thou, the movie is full of blood. but how they managed to make it PG13-like with so many blood is almost a mystery to me. i believe their attempts to make it artistic partly due to its historical background, partly due to the producer's ambition backfire.
many of us have seen on photos how the massacre aftermaths look like, with the twisted, amputated bodies stacking up in piles. even in black and white, those imageries are extremely powerful. have u seen that photo of the dead body of the person who was ran over by a tank to a degree that's hardly recognizable? in fact, all u can see is the bloody clothes on the ground with a mash of flesh. this person was killed in Beijing on June 4th, 1989. try searching tiananmen on google image and u may find it.
when u make a movie based on mass killings and blood , yet it isn't half as powerful as what's happening out there in reality, i call this a failure. rated r? are u kidding me?
i think someone should make a movie based on the true stuffs with realistic imageries to give the public an idea how killings and wars are really like. they are not pretty nor romantic. they are absolutely terrifying, and in most cases, extremely stupid.
to make it short, i like it plain and simple yet stylish. another thing i like about it is that.. did u notice, there isn't any tv! when u consider the designs of the flats in hk, with the minimum space the designer somehow reserve a space where u put a sofa facing a tv, leaving 2 feet of space in between and voila, a living room.
why do we have to sit on a sofa and watch tv with so little time we have after work? is that our designated life style? an added bonus that comes along with every flat purchased in hk?
anyway, this image is to promote the use of CFL. save energy and cut down on our utility bills, too.
i hurt my foot once again. this is the third time since i came back to hk. b4 that, i think i had hurt my feet about three times in total for my entire life. so i'm on track to beat my record.
o deep thought, i want u to tell me the answer. how did i hurt my foot for as many times in three months. oh well. from the look of it, i won't be able to walk freely for a week. damn.
so there's gone the forth mandarin lecture. what surprises me the most is that in every lecture someone's phone would ring. and more surprisingly, they actually answered the phone and freaking talked in class! whoa!
oh well, can't be bothered by such little things.
papa proposes to go on traveling later this year. the proposed destination is europe. i for one would like to join, but only if i'm still unemployed by then... so it's good and bad i guess.
regrettably, i didn't get a chance to travel europe in the past. as a matter of fact, there is a large part of US that i didn't get to see yet. driving from sf to ny and back sure brought great satisfaction, and great memory. but what about route 66? florida? texas? midwest?... the list goes on. what a shame.
anyhow, europe. but what good does it do? there are supposed to be a hell lot to see in europe. but what good does it do to see them? nowadays u can easily access to such images without a fuse. better yet, u get detailed descriptions and the rich histories behind all those pieces. some say u get that special feeling only on the spot. but this feeling is highly subjective. there are chances this special feeling is only a product of one's own wishful thinking.
traveling to most hk ppl, is just like looking at an aquarium and say "hey! i've seen the ocean! i even posed and took some cutie pictures while i was there. how cool is that."
anyway, i'd like to go to turkey and take some cutie pictures while i'm there. now i'm excited. yay.
craving for shawarma. Shawarma Palace on Rideau. in case u're in ottawa, go grab a big combo plate and a chicken sandwich now. ask the guy for extra garlic sauce. u'll love it.
one of my colleagues worked at his relatives' shawarma restaurant. he told me the equipments are very expensive. i suggest him to go to shenzhen and take a look. they do make it there for a much cheaper price. maybe i can open one in hk in the future? just to satisfy my own craving? then i may need to hire some x for their original taste. hohoh.... that's a plan!

hey kid, i have to wait until 28 to get on the cable car for the first time. even many locals never tried it. consider yourself lucky.
so the day has come. thierry henry calls it the time and leave for barca. heartbreaking. but in my opinion the worst is yet to come. that will be next summer when the boss also leave arsenal. i think that will be catastrophic.
anyhow, ppl come and go.
today i went to shenzhen with my parents for lunch with a family friend. after lunch we went to this gigantic book store next to the shenzhen library. there are wide range of topics there and the selection is hugh. the prices are reasonable, too. the store is very crowded as u can see ppl at every corner sitting on the ground and read.
that reminded me of the internet censorship in china.
the government filters out many websites and internet traffics that contain sensitive materials which may undermine its control, at the same time they allows accessibility of the remaining traffics to create a false sense among the ppl that they have seen the whole of the internet. added to the inability to doubt beyond what they can see, the majority of the mainland chinese are uninformed. i'm sickened by the fact that even the young generation, who are supposed to be well educated, still blindly support their government, or rather, the communist party's control over china.
it's common knowledge that china is the uprising economy, but really ppl, dont put your bet on yet.
tonight i went to the first MYOB class. the software is quite easy to use, but the problem is, i don't have the basic knowledge behind all those credit debit stuffs. loletta'd be laughing by now. "told you so!"
maybe i should go back to school and get my second degree.... accounting? hm... no way.
maybe they can consider advertising ramens like those red hot spicy korean ones. or anything warm.
so today the weather forcast in hk is.. in one word, hot. and what am i going to do? let's go out for a walk, sweat, then go to the pool. don't worry i'll take a wash first b4 i jump into the pool. but i know most ppl dont. how i know? coz recently the pool water is a little salty, and i'm lucky if that's only sweat....
in case u're not aware, flickr is a subsidiary of yahoo. it's meant to provide a photo storing and sharing community for free or a small fee. but like its mother company, flickr imposes self-censorship which deletes many of the users' photo due to various reasons. another issue is the SafeSearch feature. for more details, google flickr censorship or flickr safesearch.
flickr used to be behind its users. not any more. and i just paid for a pro account not long ago....
today's father's day. since i'm so full of shit, i'm gonna say happy father's day to all the fathers out there to show that i'm really a good son. man i'm so full of shit!
health concern? a well developed cell phone coverage network comes at a price. hey but guess what, u hardly see any base station on the roof tops of those expensive mansions.
hm.. strange.
so very safe. now he can throttle in any corner in full speed with full confidence. make way ppl when u see him in your mirror!
bing bing's blog is one of the sites i visit frequently, even thou i have great fear of those mainland chinese websites..
since i can't find a way to leave a simple comment on her blog without registering, so i'm gonna leave that comment here, hoping that bing bing will see it. so here goes:
冬眠季節已過, 懶蛇幾時起身開工寫blog?仲有承諾多時既照片呢? 聽講應承既野唔做, 會生暗瘡...
tmr i will attend the first mandarin class. let's hope that my classmates will 相親相愛.
it sure has a mind of its own, and it appears to be a very playful one. being sneaky as it's always been, it always choose to flash the moment u take your eyes off. so at the end, i just switched to continuous shooting mode, did the job, and crashed.
wonder how ppl did it back in the days with film? when 36 films roll was already a luxury.
i want a good affordable headphone amp... to connect to my notebook? ok so i may also need a good affordable source. notice how i use the word need... indeed it's a need.
any suggestion ppl?
this is one of the many tricks lok lok likes to perform. that's why he's so adorable.
lok lok and lily went to see the vet yesterday. he's so scared that he refused to come out of the cage. the vet turned it upside down but lok lok hung on to it so at the end the vet needed to take the cage apart.
typical lok lok.
just back from nam ao yet again. this time, all i got is one single "fish mo".
so, consider that i got 2 fishes last time, the latest score becomes:
H 1:1 Nam Ao.
considering the satisfaction of being on the sea, and the heavy rain while we're out there: H 10:1 Nam Ao.
and i'll kill him on winning eleven hahhaha!
this photo was taken yesterday evening.
the intention of getting into the field of environmental related industry is still there, thou it seems the opportunity is quite limited. it's been over a month now but it has not been fruitful at all. hmm..
i think this is a little ghetto the way it works.
a recent study shows that an afternoon nap reduces the risk of heart attack. so, fitter happier, more productive, eating well, regular exercise at the gym, and, take an afternoon nap.
today i went to the pool. no i can't swim, but it's good just to submerge in the water. my theory is that i will float eventually so, not much to worry about.
almost every sunday my parents would visit this remote village and bring along some goodies in the shape of broiled chicken legs for the animals.
i can't truly understand this as the chicken legs were once parts of some living creatures as well but judging from the satisfaction on the cat's look... oh well, as long as u enjoy the good meal cat.
and it was only a few feet away from every single passer by, old and young.
dear M$,
i regret to inform you that your product sucks.
the particular product i am talking about is your Windows Mobile 5 os for ppc phone. It sucks in numerous ways. first, it requires way too many presses of buttons, on-screen or not, to have simple things done. second, it requires way too much process time to have simple things done. third, it requires way too much maintenances. in fact, this piece of shi.. i mean bleeding edge technological showpiece has been refusing to sync to my pc for a week about now for no good reason. last but not least, it does not even do the phone thing right.
to your credit, the WM5 ppc phone does gives me an unexpected pleasure: for every time it successfully syncs to my pc, or does anything that it is originally designed for anyway, i actually have a sense of, well, success. "hooray! way to go ppc, it syncs to my pc! rejoice!"
WM5 is truly and rightfully a M$ product. i have to admit, M$, that you successfully carry your legacy even into your mobile department. it is yet another engineering marvel from you, M$, that tries to do everything and sucks at everything.
this letter can be your complimentary promotional piece as the new version, WM6 is already out. this can be the show case of the improvement made possible by you, M$. however, from my personal experience with WM5, i have to be pessimistic, and with all due respect, your WM5 is simply a waste of $. (a lot of it, to be exact)
thus this ppc phone is up for sale. the model is hp rw6828. trad. chinese rom. 95% new (i don't know what this number is based on but that's how things work in hk, folks.). and of coz i won't lie about it, it sucks. so if somehow u're still interested, leave me a comment. or email. or whatever. *just *don't *call *my *cell *phone *because *you *know *why.
Yours Truly,
last night an old friend of mine asked for help. she was selected something like "spotlight of the month" -- those human management kinda thing in office if u know what i mean. so she needs to write up a life motto that sums it all up.
now she wants something that would help creating a professional image, even though she knows it very well that will be a total lie.
so, any idea? even thou i know there is no one reading this blog at all, but i'd still like to ask my nonexistent readers for help. so, please help.
Labels: life motto wanted
this picture is taken in pacifica, close to don's place. of coz don wouldn't care much as he would rather spend his free time in his bed watching nba.
so today i again waved good bye to another friend from sf. susie was treated a very special one day tour, hoyan style. i hope she enjoys it as much as i do.
where to? i brought her to our famous "big hotel" area and show her the creepy casket places there. the purpose is to bring her to that famous wonton place but oh well, it seems as thou she's a bit scared... hahha.
welcome to my special hk tour.
say who?!
it's almost been 2 months since.
back from china yet again.
this time, we went to a fishing village in this place called nam 0. and guess what we did there.
to cut the story short, i got 2 fishes in an afternoon, while the experts got none.
during the dinner, the topic was discussed and the reasoning was like this: fishes look down to newbies.
and my reasoning is this: sour grapes.
anyway, that was meant to be a joke. the trip was fun. fishing was fun. staying out on the sea is wonderful- with or without fishes. and the food is just great.
should do it again soon.
bean and don at bean's place. his place is pretty much the same like b4. the stink remains. hah!
a moment afterwards we head to a burrito place called something like Lorenza. it's in south city. 1 or 2 blocks away from the Grand St to the direction of El Camino Real.
great food. fun times. i'll always remember.
today i walked by 貴記荳品. i love their 蔥油餅 and 鍋貼. it's located right where i got off the bus during my secondary school days and i used to order take-away few times a week. the store looks just like before. didn't get a chance to try the 蔥油餅 but from the look of it, it can't be too far off. hm... yum yum.
things are changing so fast. whether it's for the good is debatable. the only way not to feel too bad about it is probably just simply ignore it. just let it go.
it is hard thou.
anyway, i should go try the 蔥油餅 soon. for old time's sake.
today i saw a sign on a van jai that read something like this: "$150 vomit clean-up fee". this is a simplified and naturalized version of what it reads on the sign. the original tone was stronger on it really.
maybe as a passenger i should carry this sign that reads: "$300 food wasting surcharge."
before u can only see this kind of things in china. now it's spread over to hk. just like a disease. scary scary.
nigga jacky said yum yum.
look at the satisfaction on her face. this' what 菠蘿油 is all about.
not to mention the cholesterol, trans fat, ... etc. oh well. we're all dying a rather slow death anyway.
my first 砵仔糕 in 2007 was a total disappointment. i remember the good old days when 砵仔糕伯伯開檔 with his wooden carte at his usual location. a few kids (including me) were already there waiting. i always ordered "yellow, few beans". a few years ago 砵仔糕伯伯 retired. his daughter and his son-in-law took over, and that's when the 砵仔糕 quality went downhill. or was it becoz i knew it's no longer made by 砵仔糕伯伯?
i hope 砵仔糕伯伯 is living happily thereafter. thou i got a feeling he's not around anymore. after all, he was in his 70's more than 10 years ago. nonetheless, i'll always remember you 砵仔糕伯伯.
bye bye shek kip mei. it has been fun.
what a lovely day today. the sky is not perfectly clear, but at least u don't have that heavy feeling. it's sunny of coz. i don't pretend i like rainy days.
27C. this won't last long. soon it will be 33C. and that along with the high humidity is lethal. brace yourself..
enjoy the day while i can. hohoh
two friends left hk yesterday. one to japan to continue his english teaching duty, another to shanghai for his fortune hunt.
i hate to say goodbye. but it seems i did it enough to feel nothing about it now. i guess that's a bad thing.
talked to some friends of my age. it seems there is this typical thinking among them that i don't understand.
hello hk. i'm going to make some money and get out of here. so could u be a bit patient with me? bear with me for the time being? please?
should i upgrade to flickr pro account? should i spend this money?
or should i consider at all? it's only $25..